The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

woman doing hand heart sign

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on

This blog is created to inspire, encourage and support bloggers worldwide.

Every day millions of bloggers throng the social media seeking a solution to their blog but very few make it to the top. As it is a war zone.

12-Biggest Known Blogging Struggles

  1. Niche
  2. Rich Content
  3. SEO, Keyword & Site Ranking
  4. Meta Tags
  5. Site Hits
  6. Social Media Account maintenance
  9. Technical Issues
  10. Affiliate Links
  11. Monetizing
  12. Plugins etc.

These are the biggest pain bloggers have to struggle with on a daily basis. Whether you are just starting a new blog or have been blogging for a decade, blogging struggles will always and ever exist ever. Your struggles will change over the years as your blog develops and grow. It would never be as easy as they make it out to be but there are simple tips and trick to follow and please don’t expect blogging to eventually be easy, perfect and smooth. Blogging is constantly changing, as is your life, so expect to come across various challenges throughout your journey.

Right now, my biggest blogging struggles are staying motivated and coming up with topic ideas, both of which I’ll hit on below. I hope this provides some encouragement to you on your blogging journey.

Let’s go!

If you have been thinking of starting a good blog lately you are not alone,  I was totally like you years back, I would start a blog and abandon it, and on and on I keep doing the same mistake until I gave it all up. Today I regret all my actions. But hey!, it’s not too late.

So I started a blog and never looked back

So start a blog and follow cool tips you will eventually get there. .

If you’ve felt this way with starting a blog, now is the time!! In a year, you’ll be glad you did and in few more years to come you will be celebrating your achievements . If you have already started or stillstrigling with your old blog even better I am glad to have you on board-because honestly we all need support one way or the other- you’ll most likely be making a substantial side income through this site in the future.




As said there will be fewer rules and better management. I recommend you subscribe if you are interested to join this platform. It’s going to be a team work so everyone must participate to make this blog successful.

This site and it’s ower promise to keep this blog transparent, free from spam and a place to show love and support.

There is love in sharing


Finally, thank you for dropping by and supporting my blog!

All the best!

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